Maori Learners

Maori Learners

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Dialogic Spaces

It is interesting to note that dialogue as a learning space is where we develop intellectual ideas. We are always speaking about collaborative learning where we share information yet dialogic critique is overlooked by academics. Is it because of a lack of time?

Dialogue occurs in various forms. Written or oral communication is a form of dialogue. Even blogs are written communications that the reader understands and this is regarded as a dialogic space. A space for intellectual debate, reactions and critique.

I watched a You Tube clip:  Section 9: What are the tools and techniques used to create a reflective, dialogic space?
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The query is that online dialogic spaces does not allow for
  • seeing emotions while chatting.
  • continuous way of speaking because you have to wait for the typing and turn taking on live chats
  • the true expessions and the way one really conducts oneself
By reading a book by:

Savin-Baden, M. (2008). Learning spaces: Creating opportunities for knowledge creation in academic life. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill.

one is able to get a broader picture of Dialogic Spaces and and an understanding of how to conduct ourselves when participating with dialogue and that "new dialogic spaces are emerging through online discussions" seen in wikis and blogs.

Friday, 23 March 2012

How has the learning styles of Maori learners and their Tangata (people) allowed them to gain access to e-learning?

“Those of us who were not born into the digital world but have, at some later point in our lives, become fascinated by and adopted many or most aspects of the new technology are, and always will be compared to them, Digital Immigrants”.(Prensky, 2001, p.1). Pressures from TV purchasing new technology and pressure from Māori social groups, produces the urge to learn and be informed in e-learning.
Technology and its appeal to adults, offers the potential of Māori gaining access to e-learning. Today’s teachers have to learn to communicate in the language and style of their Māori students. This mind-shift that is required should not lack imagination, world approaches, meaning-making relevant to the learners own experiences, success in what the learners are doing, and socialization. By doing this, it could create dynamic learning environments for Māori, the educational practices and approaches to instruction.
A change in methodology is by understanding the two types of content. “Legacy” content includes reading, writing, arithmetic, logical thinking, understanding the writings and ideas of the past, “Future” content is to a large extent, not surprisingly, digital and technological. (Presnky, 2001, p.4). It not only includes software and hardware,  it also includes the ethics, politics, sociology, languages and other things that go with them that relates to Māori.

Constructivism is a philosophical perspective where individuals arrange their own knowledge so that the individual becomes an active participant and organises experiences with prior knowledge and does not learn facts in isolation and I this ties in with my philosophy where collaborative learning is part of my pedagogical values of constructive learning.
Engaging with new technologies provide adult Māori learners with knowledge and skills but these “genres of technologies such as Social Networking, Digital Gaming, and Simulations are more than just entertainment”. (Klopfer, Osterweil,Groff, & Haas,2009, p.1).

There are different learning styles that learners use to engage in learning, for example, kinesthetic, reading and writing, aural and visual. The Māori people are the indigenous people of Aotearoa (New Zealand) and the marae is important in their way of life. Their culture is rich and varied with a fascinating mix of traditional and contemporary arts. Traditions such as carving, weaving, kapa haka (group performance), whaikorero (oratory) and moko (tattoo) are practised throughout Aotearoa, New Zealand. The older generation pass on the history and traditions to their children and the children to help the adults to learn and integrate tradition with new technology.

By using artefacts it evokes the adult learners’ learning styles. It gives adult learners opportunities to apply what they experience in their daily lives to their learning that ispurposeful, goal-oriented, rule-based activity that the players perceive as fun” (Klopfer, 2008, p.4). The artefacts include: weaving exemplars, photographs of mokos taken with a digital camera, newspaper cuttings, mobile phones showing kappa haka taken at Pasifika festivals, iPods, post cards, emails, social networking sites, the use of calculators and story-telling (whaikorero).

The adult Māori learners can then exchange information with the peer students and show each other how to go about accessing data and information via computers and other forms of online material by using the artefacts as starting blocks. This is a form of collaborative efforts by adult Māori learners forming social constructs and ways of communicating using technology. It builds up their computer confidence and competence and allows Māori adults to gain access to e-learning. Google has also presented the interface in Māori language and by integrating tikanga and te reo  Māori,  it makes e-learning more accessible and understandable. There is also a Māori language pack for Moodle which is a system for teaching online and that assists teachers in their presentation of lessons to Māori adult learners.

You Tube Maori Ako
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Klopfer, E., Osterweil, S., Groff, J., and Haas, J.  (2009). The instructional power of digital games, social
           networking and simulations and how teachers can leverage them. The Education Arcade.
           Massachusetts Institute of Technology

 Klopfer, E. (2008). Augmented learning: Research and design of mobile educational games. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.

New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER). (2004). Critical success factors and effective pedagogy for e-learning in Tertiary education. Ako. Aotearoa updated Feb, 7, 2012. Retrieved March 20, 2012 from:

New Zealand Culture – Maori . Retrieved on March 20, 2012 from

Pihama, L., Smith,  K., Taki,  M.,  Lee, J.  (2004). A literature review on kaupapa maori and maori education pedagogy. The International Research Institute for Maori and Indigenous Education.

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. On the Horizon, 9, 5. MCB University Press, October 2001.Retrieved March 18, 2012 from,%20digital%20immigrants%20-%20part1.pdf

questions about access to technology and online teaching and learning

In reply to the questions –
1. lack of “buy in” in the area of foundation learning by workplace providers.
According to the Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning it states, “Only a few tertiary education organisations or workplaces in New Zealand have fully developed e-learning programmes for adults” (p. 18). Although “ e-learning programmes can transcend  the barriers of geographic location and time” (p. 22) access still not available to all because of funding.  Lankshear & Knobel  (2003) state it “needs to be addressed and used to address the interfaces that occur between literacy learning and technology”.
2. Learners in supervisory roles where computer usage is expected, get computer training.
This is a bias decision made by workplace probably because less time is needed for guidance when training supervisors and thinking that they have not got time to train others who have not been exposed to technology.
3. Learners not in supervisory roles are placed in classrooms with no use of computer resources.
Effective professional development can affect the learning culture within an organization and with reference to Timperley, Wilson and Fung (2007), Professional Development (PD) programmes may occur over long periods of time therefore having large investments of time and capital. “Staff need to be counseled, mentored and tutored in situated context”. (Fletcher, J., Nicholas, K., & Davis, N. 2010). The fact that the tutors have not undergone PD, or that there is no time to train the learners, might  be the problem  with access and why learners are in classrooms with no use of computer resources.
4. TEC assessments as non-adaptive versions rather than online.
 Surprisingly having read Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning, 15(1), they speak about supporting adults to address their own learning and with reference to page 20, there are no comments on forms of assessment , whether online or non- adaptive versions, yet on page 24 they speak about “drag and drop” form of assessment.
5. Workplace LLN is a tightrope of balancing learner, provider and workplace expectations.
“Introducing and integrating e-learning  into adult education and training is a complex process” (p. 25).
Fletcher, J., Nicholas, K., & Davis, N. (2010). Supporting adults to address their literacy needs using e-learning. Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning, 15(1), 17-29.
Lankshear, C., &  Knobel, K. (2003). New literacies: Changing knowledge and classroom learning. Buckingham, UK: Open university.
Timperley, H., Wilson, A., Barrar, H., & Fung, I. (2007). Teacher professional learning and development. Wellington: Ministry of Education.

Friday, 9 March 2012

access to technology

Online teaching and learning using multi-media can be very successful providing that there is adequate internet connection in the community for the service provide. “Access” is the operative word.  Certain countries do experience connectivity as far as adequate internet connection is concerned. For example in South Africa, internet is expensive for many residing there although many competitors have entered the horizons and hopefully the situation of cheaper connectivity may improve. The climatic conditions also add to problems associated with connectivity as heavy thunderstorms blow out the modems if they are switched on.
Our focus on online teaching and learning is situated in Aotearoa New Zealand context and the access to computers and internet connections have to be taken into consideration when planning online teaching and learning using multimedia. Web 2.0 is a social networking site and allows users to interact and collaborate with each other when viewing blogs and sharing video uploads. Once again, access to computers and good internet connections is needed.
When looking at resources and assessment tools used in various workplace, community-based settings and or respective institutions that promote courses for adults, there are very little provisions made for online resources and assessments. This situation of a lack of online teaching and learning resources may be because of a lack of funding.

Setting up lesson and activities to match the learning outcomes and having to find resources that are conducive to situated adult learning can become time consuming if the educator is not skilled in online teaching and learning strategies using multimedia or if there is a lack of access to computers. Using social networking site and interacting and collaborating with each other when viewing blogs and sharing video up-loads needs computers and good internet connections for this activity to take place.
Adult learners who are not exposed to computers and online activities because of a lack of resources in their homes might find difficulty in understanding concepts and terminology. Searching information may be too daunting for these adults. Another obstacle could be that because information is through the written word, adults with a lack of or very little reading, writing and keyboards, find difficulty in understanding instructions.
We live in this dynamic changing world where technology changes constantly. Affecting adults is the economic paradigm shift. Computers, mobile phones, iPods, iPads, tablets as well as all software and applications are constantly being upgraded that these changes are very difficult for providers of adult education including individuals to maintain or fund. This makes access to new technology even more difficult. New technology scares the older generation and therefore the use of the new technology suddenly does not become “important” however it blurs the ideas of not knowing how to go about using new technology. Face Book, the social media networking site, has just changed personal profile setting to time-line settings and this application takes a while for adults to adjust to. Web 2.0 has applications that allows for active interaction and collaboration on the World Wide Web by making use of blogs, wikis, and other applications. Yet, access to computers and networking sites is imperative for all these forms of technology to be effective.

Sork, T. (2000). Planning educational programmes. In A. L. Wilson & E. R. Hayes (eds.), Handbook of adult and continuing education. (pp. 171-190). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Online Teaching and learning strategy using technology

Teaching strategy using technology
It is important to understand the phenomena of online teaching and learning and to examine the various techniques, methods and approaches that can be used. For example presentation graphics packages such as PowerPoint can be annotated with streaming audio but could lack in-depth content. However slide shows have the ability to stimulate thought and inquiry learning because adults can use their prior knowledge in formulating opinions. Another example is the computer-animated simulations which can also add profundity to the lesson because it not only draws the student’s attention, the animation makes one associate the simulation to a situation and is more conducive to learning. Many adults think and process information differently and computer-animated simulations may evoke thoughts from different perspectives. Computer-mediated methods such as Web-based discussion boards may encourage students who do not actively engage and participate in face-to-face discussions to participate actively in computer-mediated discussions. This active computer –mediated discussions occurs because it facilitates communication between many people from different backgrounds and cultures without the adults being worried about gender or physical abilities. Adobe Acrobat files is electronically produced and looks like the printed copy of a book, and saves on unnecessary paper and places for storage.
 Online teaching and learning is a tool that assists certain learners that have opted to do a particular course in their own time and at their own convenience. These online learners take responsibility for their own learning. As a result online teaching and learning enhances participation, it is student centered, motivates students to discover information they need for their course of study and keeps the students in control of their own learning. Also, however it challenges these students as they have to be very disciplined and goal-directed.
It is also imperative to understand the online learner’s needs.  The students need clear guidance and instructions because everything is in written form and words should be used effectively (White, K (eds.) 2004). The wording should be clear and used in a way that all adults can understand. They also need social interaction and this can become meaningful through discussion boards and emailing those participating in the same course.
The teaching and learning process in programme design using digital technology faces various challenges when trying to accommodate diverse learning styles and learners from different cultures yet still providing sufficient content. Benson, (2002) uses the analogy of “inverting the classroom”.  Therefore by using digital technologies, it tries to enable this diverse culture to view or hear artefacts by using a menu option on the computer screen. 
In the multimedia classroom, computers and audio visual material is used however one wonders about technology problems that could arise and how it affects the teaching and learning process. Another concern is that of age, race and ethnicity, the marginalised group, and rural or urban locality which Benson, D (2002, p. 145) calls the “digital divide”.
With these needs and challenges in mind, various techniques, methods and approaches can be implemented.
Benson, D. (2002). Digital technologies and the scholarship of teaching and learning in Sociology. Teaching Sociology. 30, 140-157.
Greenlaw, S. (1999). Using groupware to enhance teaching and learning in undergraduate economics.  Journal of Economic Education. 30 (1), 33-42.
White, K. & Baker, J. (eds.) (2004). The student guide to successful online learning. A handbook of tips, strategies and techniques. Pearson Education Inc., USA.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Teaching strategy using technology

Online Teaching and learning using multimedia

 <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Although this video is about children, it can also be applied to adults.

            2 March 2012
Teaching strategy using  technology
Online teaching and learning using multi-media can be very successful providing that there is access to computers and adequate networks such as internet connection in the community for the service provided.
It is important to understand the phenomena of online teaching and learning and to examine the various techniques, methods and approaches that can be used. Online is a tool that assists certain learners that have opted to do a particular course in their own time and at their own convenience. These online learners take responsibility for their own learning. 
Online teaching and learning enhances participation, it is student centered, and it challenges and motivates students to discover information they need for their course of study and keeps the students in control of their own learning although these students have to be very disciplined and goal-directed.
It is imperative to understand the online learner’s needs.  The students need clear guidance and instructions because everything is in written form and words should be used effectively.  They also need social interaction and this can become meaningful through discussion boards and emailing those participating in the same course.
With these needs in mind, various techniques, methods and approaches can be implemented. Presentation graphics packages such as PowerPoint are annotated with streaming audio but could lack in-depth content. However slide shows has the ability to stimulate thought and inquiry learning.
Computer-animated simulations can also add profundity to the lesson because it not only draws attention makes one associate it to a situation and is more conducive to learning. Many students think and process information differently and computer-animated simulations may evoke thoughts from different perspectives.

The social context, involving social relationships and digital technologies, can induce intended and unintended consequences and can affect student learning. It is also stated that “cultural contexts shape the meaning, conduct and outcomes of teaching and learning with digital technologies”  (cited in Benson, D. (2002) p141). Digital technology does incorporate good pedagogical practice principles of active learning and collaborative learning.
Computer-mediated methods such as Web-based discussion boards may encourage students who do not actively engage and participate in face-to-face discussions to participate actively in computer-mediated discussions.
Some theorists (Greenlaw, 1999:34, Bonk and Cummings 1998) acknowledge improvement when students write assignments because careful research is done and the text reflects insight that is carefully executed.
The teaching and learning process in programme design using digital technology faces various challenges when trying to accommodate diverse learning styles and learners from different cultures yet still providing sufficient content. Benson, D. (2002) uses the analogy of “inverting the classroom”.  Therefore by using digital technologies, it tries to enable this diverse culture to view or hear artefacts by using a menu option on the computer screen.  
In the multimedia classroom, computers and audio visual material is used however one wonders about technology problems that could arise and how it affects the teaching and learning process. Another concern is that of age, race and ethnicity, the marginalised group, and rural or urban locality which Benson, D (2002, p. 145) calls the “digital divide”.
Benson, D. (2002). Digital technologies and the scholarship of teaching and learning in sociology. 
         Teaching Sociology, 30, 140-157.
Greenlaw, S. (1999). Using groupware to enhance teaching and learning in undergraduate
     economics. Journal of Economic Education. 30 (1), 33-42.